Friday, March 2, 2012

Hello, Germany. Let's be Friends!

I made my first tour as a Young American. I was honored to make their Germany Tour with some other wonderful cast mates from my New Kid year. :) I'm THRILLED!

As soon as I can, I'm making sure all my rubber ducks are in order, settling matters back home, and hopefully packing my little bags for Germany. My Mother got to go to Germany when she was my age, and I really want to go as well, but I want to go WITH the Young Americans. This is the only opportunity I have to tour with them before the fall, where I might be relocating to Florida.

I want to go to Germany SO BAD. I'm 97.9% sure that I'm going, as long as I can get everything settled for the summer. Which reminds me that I need to send Bill and Robyn an email... Oh yeah.

Lol. Going to write that email now! xD